Computer plays a pivotal role in every Shrishtian’s life. When a student completes his/her schooling, he/she is fully laden with knowledge of Visual Basic, Advance MS Access, IT applications, C Language, Excel, Access, C + +, Star Office etc. This learning backs them up in their higher education, making them to meet the increasing demands in educational field. The 150 Pentium IV computer systems at school with multimedia capabilities give personalized hands-on experience to the students.
Apart from regular class room coaching, activity classes are conducted on all Saturdays. Students are exposed to new frontiers in education, away from their regular syllabus. These classes are based on subjects like Math, Cookery & English Language Development skills.
Number of orientation courses are conducted every year for the teachers to renew their teaching methodology and to prepare the students for a rewarding future both in terms of academic excellence and personal discipline. Resource persons from Oxford, Orient Longman, SPACE Organisation…. equip the teachers with latest technology, thereby improving their teaching methodology.